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BrainTwister #35: Cube cuts

Can you solve this week’s logic puzzle? Plus our quick quiz and the answer to last week’s proble

By Katie Steckles

28 August 2024

3D illustration, brain shaped maze. Concept image of study and brain behavior.; Shutterstock ID 2177110871; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -


#35 Cube cuts

set by Katie Steckles

Imagine a 3×3×3 cube (like a Rubik’s cube) that can be cut into separate pieces along the lines between the 27 individual small cubes that make up the larger shape.

If we are allowed to cut through more than one piece of the whole cube at once (as if passing a 2D plane through the whole shape), what is the fewest number of cuts we need to create four separate pieces of any size?

To cut the whole cube up into its 27 individual small cubes, we can make six cuts…

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