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BrainTwister #24: Coin flips

Can you solve this week’s logic puzzle? Plus our quick quiz and the answer to last week’s problem

By James Grime

12 June 2024

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

#24 Coin flips

set by James Grime

We can flip this triangle made of coins, from one pointing upwards to one pointing downwards, by moving three of the coins (coloured dark blue), as shown in the image below.

However, it is also possible to flip this triangle upside down by moving two coins. Can you find a way?

What about a triangle with four rows? What is the fewest number of coin moves needed to flip that triangle upside down?

How about bigger triangles? Is there a general rule?

Solution next week

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.


#23 Four points, two distances


There are…

Article amended on 19 June 2024

The top middle and bottom middle images for the solution to BrainTwister #23 have been replaced.

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