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Get ready to watch the dazzling Perseid meteor shower in August

It is nearly time for one of astronomy's top annual sights – the Perseid meteor shower. This year is a bit special, says Abigail Beall

By Abigail Beall

31 July 2024

HAHPK2 2016's Perseid meteor shower Above Spray Lake, Spray Valley Provincial Park - Kananaskis Country

Frank Sun/Alamy

One of the highlights of the astronomical calendar, and something I look forward to every year, is the Perseid meteor shower. This impressive display, which is visible in the northern and parts of the southern hemisphere, will peak on the evening of 12 August, running into the early hours of 13 August. What makes it special is that, at least where I am in the northern hemisphere, it tends to happen on a warm evening – unlike the equally spectacular Geminids in December.

The number of meteors you can expect to see during the Perseids varies depending on light pollution,…

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