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When sea swimming, is it better to enter quickly or to take your time?

22 November 2023

2GA52R4 A woman on the beach at Portrush, Co. Antrim, on Northern Ireland's north coast doing open water swimming in the Atlantic Ocean.

Jonathan Porter/Alamy

When going swimming in the sea, is it better (scientifically, emotionally or spiritually) to enter quickly or to take your time?

Stephen Johnson
Eugene, Oregon, US

I have done thousands of open-water swims and hundreds of open-water races.

When planning to swim in the ocean, the most important aspect to consider isn’t science, emotions or spirituality, but safety. First, be sure there are no hazards, such as coral, rocks or boats. Second, is the ocean calm, are there breaking waves and how is water entering and exiting the beach? If there are breaking waves, it is imperative to watch carefully…

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