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The best and weirdest photos of robots from 2024

A long-envisioned futuristic world of humanoid robots doing all the work has yet to arrive, but these startling images reveal some of the surprising ways that advanced robotics is becoming more ubiquitous in people's lives

By Alex Wilkins

17 December 2024

A 2D facial robot covered with living skin

A 2D facial robot covered with living skin

Takeuchi et al.

This bizarre smiling face is made from living human skin cells, and its creators say it could one day be attached to a humanoid robot to help machines communicate more effectively.

Grown on a collagen scaffold and placed on a 3D-printed resin base, the face contains ligament-like structures, which, like the tissue of real animals, give it a life-like strength and flexibility. However, it can’t currently survive long in the open air because it doesn’t have…

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