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Over 70 per cent of students in US survey use AI for school work

Many children in the US seem to be using a chatbot to help them with their work, despite the risks of errors and often in defiance of school rules

By Chris Stokel-Walker

13 December 2024

A teen using ChatGPT

Many children in the US seem to be using chatbots to help them with their schoolwork


Seven in 10 secondary school students have used large language models (LLMs) for their studies, according to a survey of more than 300 US pupils.

“I realised that a lot of the people around me were using large language models, and more specifically ChatGPT, for a lot of school assignments,” says Tiffany Zhu, an 11th-grade student (equivalent to year 12 in the UK) at The Harker School in San Jose, California.

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