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Tiny chip could enable super-secure quantum Wi-Fi

A 1.8-millimetre-wide silicon chip with over 1000 components could help quantum devices communicate without the need for wires or specialised fridges

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

2 July 2024

Concept of communication network technology for internet business. World of global network and telecommunication on earth cryptocurrency,IoT and blockchain. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.; Shutterstock ID 1908304780; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -

A silicon chip could connect quantum devices more easily than ever

Shutterstock/Fit Ztudio

We may be a step closer to unhackable quantum Wi-Fi thanks to a chip that could establish wireless communication between a wide range of quantum devices.

Quantum communication systems have a distinct advantage over the wireless and fibre-based networks that we use now: they are incredibly hard to hack. This is because they use the quantum states of objects like particles of light to encode and transmit information – those states allow for more complex encryption and can easily reveal if they have been tampered with.

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