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Should chatbots have rights – and should we care?

Some prominent researchers argue that we should pay heed to the welfare of AIs. Are they right, wonders Alex Wilkins

By Alex Wilkins

23 December 2024

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

Elaine Knox

Is your chatbot in distress? Many people, myself included, would scoff at this question. It is just computer code, optimised to predict the next word in a sequence. But some philosophers and psychologists say that we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss this question, perhaps even granting chatbots their own rights. They might have a point.

In a recent academic paper, “Taking AI Welfare Seriously“, one group of researchers argue for a precautionary approach to how we treat AIs. They don’t look to answer the question of whether an AI is conscious or not, but say we should start…

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