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The best popular science books to look forward to in 2025

Understanding why we think the way we do is a hot topic for many of 2025’s books – that and finding new ways to re-evaluate old “truths”, says Simon Ing

By Simon Ings

23 December 2024

Woman in her late 30s reading a book in the mountain cabin, relaxing in the hammock next to the fireplace.

The weather outside may be frightful but the new books inside are delighful

Lechatnoir/Getty Images

An Increasingly divisive politics. Media technologies that reinforce and radicalise every fleeting opinion. An absolute tsunami of conspiracy theories.

Out of the noise and anxiety of our current moment comes a slew of new books that may make 2025 the moment humanity turned a corner, and replaced the heat of partisanship and tribalism with enlightened discourse and real debate. Many of them explain why we think the way we do about the world, and show us how we can change our minds without losing them…

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