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Supersonic flight will see a dramatic return in 2025 with new aircraft

Several prototype aircraft that are intended to bring back commercial supersonic travel have been making big strides in recent years – but it is unknown how well the return of Concorde-like flights will go down with customers

By Matthew Sparkes

27 December 2024

The Boom XB-1 taking off for a test flight

Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 taking off for a test flight

Boom Supersonic

Commercial supersonic aircraft may soon return for the first time since Concorde was retired in 2003. Several companies are working on designs and NASA is investing millions in developing technology to eradicate the problematic sonic boom such planes generate. However, whether there will be a market for these kind of flights isn’t known, especially given their large carbon footprint.

Aircraft create shock waves once they pass the speed of sound, which is about…

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