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How Fibonacci numbers give us a neat hack for converting between units

Do you need to convert miles to kilometres, or vice versa? Try this handy trick that uses the Fibonacci sequence, and get ready to impress your friends, says Katie Steckles

By Katie Steckles

20 November 2024

C0TPTP Beautiful yellow sunflower macro

Flowers (like this sunflower) often have seeds arranged in Fibonacci numbers of spirals running in each direction

Stuart Monk/Alamy

Converting between units is often something you have to do on the fly, and it is made easier when you memorise some rough equivalents. For instance, an imperial pint is 568 millilitres, but I often think of it as being about half a litre to make conversions simpler. I know a yard is a bit less than a metre, there are 2.2 pounds in a kilogram and a foot is 30 centimetres (thanks to rulers).

But maths gives us a…

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