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Top statistician David Spiegelhalter on how to deal with uncertainty

David Spiegelhalter has spent his career crunching numbers to assess what may happen in the future. His thought-provoking new book gives readers a window into how they can apply this in their own lives

By Alexandra Thompson

18 September 2024

USA. Nevada. Las Vegas. From 'Common Sense'. 1998.

You may seek to beat the slots, but that’s down to luck’s complexities

Martin Parr/Magnum Photos

The Art of Uncertainty
David Spiegelhalter (Pelican (UK, out now); W. W. Norton (US, 4 March 2025))

I am not a twin, but I share a birthday with my sister, who is three years older than me. When I tell people, I normally get one of two reactions: either a lewd joke about how nine months earlier must have been a special date for our parents, or a “what are the chances?”

In my ignorance, I have always assumed it was simply…

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