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A personal investigation into the crisis of men's mental health

The issue of men's dangerously bottled-up emotions finds a fresh and personal voice in Silent Men, a documentary that is at its most powerful when director Duncan Cowles turns the camera on others

By Elle Hunt

13 November 2024

Silent Men is the debut feature-length documentary from BAFTA Scotland winning Scottish filmmaker Duncan Cowles.

Duncan Cowles, pictured, explores the crisis in men’s mental health in his new documentary

Duncan Cowles / Relative Films

Silent Men
Duncan Cowles
In select UK cinemas from 19 November; US release in 2025

Scottish film-maker Duncan Cowles has always been rubbish at talking about his feelings. He was born into a family of stoic, “silent men” for whom love is something you only express in a birthday card. By his mid-twenties, keeping everything bottled up started to get to Cowles and seem more personal because of the reported crisis in men’s mental health.

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