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Now is a great time to see Saturn in all its ringed glory

My first sight of Saturn through a telescope inspired my love of space. Dig out your telescopes or visit your local astronomy club, and you may be lucky enough to spot our sixth planet's stunning thick band of rings, says Leah Crane

By Leah Crane

9 October 2024

2T6AF4B the planet Saturn photographed with an amateur telescope

The planet Saturn photographed with an amateur telescope

Grey Zone / Alamy Stock Photo

When I was a teen, I joined an urban astronomy club at my school. It wasn’t popular: most nights, it was just me and a physics teacher standing on a Chicago street corner haranguing passersby to look through our telescope. In hindsight, it is a wonder my parents agreed to this, but it was one of the first things that really fed my love of space.

One night, another teacher joined us. He brought along an old-fashioned refractor telescope, the long kind. It looked much more…

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