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New Scientist recommends puzzle book S. by Doug Dorst and J. J. Abrams

The books, TV, games and more that New Scientist staff have enjoyed this week

By Chelsea Whyte

19 June 2024

GamesPress handout image: Animal Well

Shared Memory

Lately, I have been in the mood for puzzles. Helping me scratch that itch has been a book called S. by Doug Dorst and J. J. Abrams. When you unbox it, you find a novel called Ship of Theseus by V. M. Straka, a character who we learn either disappeared or died under mysterious circumstances.

But the real story here is in the marginalia, where two readers who have taken the book out of a library try to solve the mystery. Involving flyers, postcards and a decoder ring, it takes a little practice to learn how to read this…

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