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New Scientist recommends the Never Post podcast

The books, TV, games and more that New Scientist staff have enjoyed this week

By Chelsea Whyte

6 March 2024

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

Charts & Leisure

I am listening to a new podcast called Never Post, made by a collective of writers, independent producers, researchers, composers and creators, which explores the internet’s cultural power and how we use it. Hosted by Mike Rugnetta, an insightful observer of online goings-on, the first episode has a fascinating discussion about “posting disease” – when people can’t stop posting even when it harms them – and how to avoid this.

There are also a set of delightfully mystifying interludes in which a man tries to buy caffeine-free Diet Dr Pepper, the availability of which has been debated online.

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