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The best new popular science books of 2024

From a scientific take on screen time to nuclear war, a look at why we age to the future of our oceans, our writers pick their favourite popular science books of the year

By Alison Flood

27 November 2024

New South Wales, Australia

Intense: Find a quiet spot and expand your mind with these inspiring books

David Trood/Getty Images

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

The Burning Earth by Sunil Amrith

This year hasn’t been a great one for the environment, so a book about the long history of environmental damage may be a hard sell. However, this isn’t just a litany of woe. It unpicks the ways environmental harms have been driven by social systems and individual mentalities. In doing so, it points the way to a better society: one that no longer wages war on nature. Michael Marshall

Our Moon by Rebecca Boyle

Earlier this year, I…

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