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Taking an elevator into space could actually happen. Here's how

Once a flight of fantasy, recent advances mean that satellites, astronauts and even tourists could soon get a quick lift into space

By Kelly Oakes

9 January 2019

space satellite

Christian Darkin/Science Photo Library

IT MIGHT be in Indonesia. Maybe Brazil. Possibly on a barge floating in the Pacific Ocean. Wherever it ends up, somewhere on the equator the world’s tallest structure will jut out into space, a lollipop stick spinning with our planet as it makes its way around the sun.

For a small but dedicated community of engineers, this is the future of space travel: an elevator shaft of Babel capable of transporting people and equipment directly into low Earth orbit. No more spectacular lift-offs, with their countdowns and explosions. Instead, a hundred thousand kilometres of off-key lift music as you and your fellow astronauts avoid eye contact at 100 kilometres per hour. It might not be the most glamorous prospect, but what it lacks in pizzazz it makes up for in offering cheap and clean access to space.

For decades, the space elevator has been little more than a fantasy. The challenges have been overwhelming, including finding a material strong enough to sustain such a structure and working out how to get it into space. But over the past few years, some countries have begun making serious progress. In September, a team in Japan launched an experiment to test a cable system between two satellites in orbit, an early step towards figuring out how parts of a space elevator might work in practice. Obayashi Corporation, a major Japanese contractor, is aiming to develop an actual space elevator by 2050. Not to be outdone, China has its sights set on building one earlier than that, by 2045.

On paper, at least, the mechanics are pretty simple. Any object that orbits Earth,…

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