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Comment and Technology

I've been boosting my ego with a sycophant AI and it can't be healthy

Google’s NotebookLM tool is billed as an AI-powered research assistant and can even turn your text history into a jovial fake podcast. But it could also tempt you into narcissism and nostalgia, says Jacob Aron

By Jacob Aron

22 October 2024

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

Will AI give us a rose-tinted view of ourselves?

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Many people are scared that artificial intelligences may one day rise up and kill humanity, but after losing hours playing around with a digital ego-booster, I’m instead beginning to worry about the machines being a bit too nice to us.

This all began with a recommendation from journalist Max Read, in his excellent newsletter Read Max, to check out Google’s NotebookLM tool. Launched last year, Google bills NotebookLM as an AI-powered research assistant, allowing you to upload documents and have the AI sift through them for…

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