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New Scientist recommends the Pier 26 Science Playground

The books, TV, games and more that New Scientist staff have enjoyed this week

By Tiffany O'Callaghan

6 November 2024

Pier 26 Sturgeons MONSTRUM Playgrounds

Ryan Connor

My 9-year-old was balancing on the spine of a giant Atlantic sturgeon, while his 6-year-old brother popped his head out from behind its gills. A moment later, they were chasing each other through a tunnel of its pink ribs.

I had brought them to the Pier 26 Science Playground, part of Hudson River Park in lower Manhattan, to run off some energy on a day out in the city. What we found was more delightful than any of us had anticipated.

The huge blue and orange models (pictured above) are of two kinds of sturgeon indigenous to the Hudson river,…

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