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It's a decade old, but The Leftovers is still painfully resonant today

The Leftovers follows those left behind after 140 million people vanish, unaccountably, in The Departure. The parallels with the covid-19 pandemic are obvious in this jewel of a TV show, says Bethan Ackerley

By Bethan Ackerley

12 June 2024

Television Programme: The Leftovers with Justin Theroux as Kevin Garvey and Carrie Coon as Nora Durst. TL_202_042915_VR_-37.jpg The Leftovers Series 2

Nora Durst (Carrie Coon) and Kevin Garvey (Justin Theroux)

Van Redin/HBO

The Leftovers
Damon Lindelof and Tom Perrotta

IT IS a strange time to watch The Leftovers, which premiered on HBO 10 years ago this month. The series opens three years after the Sudden Departure, when about 140 million people (close to 2 per cent of Earth’s population) just disappeared. Those left are still grappling with why and how to move on from such loss.

In the real world, it has been about three years since the last covid-19 lockdown lifted in the UK and many other countries. This…

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