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Viewfinder review: Perspective is all in a unique first-person puzzler

In the climate-ravaged world set up by the puzzle game Viewfinder, you must go deep to find abandoned research that could save Earth. Success depends on cunning tricks with dimensions, says Jacob Aron

By Jacob Aron

23 August 2023

Screengrab from Viewfinder (2023)

A scene from Viewfinder, a well-paced first-person puzzle game


Sad Owl Studios
PC, PlayStation 5

WITH near-ubiquitous access to cameras and screens, it can be hard to remember that the idea of representing 3D objects on a 2D image was once at art’s cutting-edge. Exactly when this happened is debated, but we can reasonably say the practice of drawing scenes with realistic perspective took off in the 15th century.

Personally, I have been given a new perspective on perspective by playing Viewfinder, a first-person puzzle game that is all about the interplay between two and three dimensions.…

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